A calendar of events about the holocaust that include a showing
of the film "Nicholas Winton — The Power of Good."
A summary of past events will be found here.
Events Calendar for 2019
July 18, Farmington Hills, Michigan
The Holocaust Memorial Center
“Nick Winton: From Stockbroker to Hero: The Story of Sir Nicholas Winton”
What made a 29 year old stock broker give up his winter skiing holiday and rescue 669 young children from a foreign country? Hear from the son of Sir Nicholas Winton speak about the life-saving events that transformed the destiny of so many people.
Admission: $10/non-members, free to members
RSVP by July 15 to 248.556.3178 or click here.
Dessert reception to follow
For questions or to register by phone, please contact Katrina at 248.556.3178.
May 1, Caldwell, New Jersey
Yom HaShoah
Congregation Agudath Israel
Rebecca Gelman discussed the story of her father, Charles Gelman, and his involvement in the movie, "Nicholas Winton: The Power of Good," with special guest speakers Tammee Percha Fensch, Peter Rafael and Lawrence Reed.
Event flyer
"Thank you Rebecca - I am so proud of the program! You did an outstanding job. I hope you had a wonderful memory day on your father's yahrzeit. I was thinking of him.
Susan Werk
Educational Director Congregation Agudath Israel"
"Our CAI family is indebted to and to your family for sharing this important program with us and with so many other folks as well. This is a real tribute to the Power of Good in combatting the evils that beset our world.
With gratitude,
Rabbi Alan Silverstein"
"Just adding my voice to the chorus of those expressing gratitude to you and your family for this opportunity. I learned a great deal from the film and the presentation. It feels especially important to be sharing this story at this moment in history.
With warm wishes,
Rabbi Ari Lucas"

Charles Gelman, Matel Minac, Nicholas Winton and Rita Gelman
Summary of Past Events
The upcoming events will be found at the top of the
page. (Click here to go there.)
Events of 2007
January 9, Coral Gables, Florida
Holocaust Education Week (January 7–14) 2007
Coral Gables High School
The film was shown at 7:00 pm. Dr Miriam Klein Kassenoff, noted Holocaust
Educator and Child Refugee of the Holocaust from Slovakia, moderated
the screening for the 200 community educators and students from the county,
and George Korper (a Winton 'child') was the guest speaker.
January 31, Lake Worth, Florida
United Jewish Association
Falls Country Club (6455 Jog Road).
The film was shown to members as part of the Annual UJA Day proceedings.
February 7, New York City, New York
Museum of Jewish Heritage: A living Memorial to the
Holocaust — Bearing Witness Program
The film was shown as part of a workshop for 25 teachers who will be
using the film in teaching.
February 8, Boca Raton, Florida
Florida Atlantic University
Performing Arts Building, 7:30 PM in Room 101
Dr Miriam Klein Kassenoff, noted Holocaust Educator and Child Refugee
of the Holocaust from Slovakia - was the guest speaker at the screening
of the film.
February 22, Los Angeles, California
The Revelance of Teaching the Holocaust in the 21st
A workshop for 45 Los Angeles Unified School District teachers who will
be using POG as a teaching tool. Marilyn Lubarsky, United States Holocaust
Memorial Museum Regional Representative and High School Teacher, was
the guest speaker.
February 22-24, Phoenix, Arizona
Anti-Defamation League's Bearing Witness Program
The film was shown as part of a workshop for 25 teachers who will be
using the film in teaching.
February 23, Indianapolis, Indiana
Indiana Council for History Education
Andrew Pass showed the film for about 50 educators.
February 27, Lansing, Michigan
March 11, Santa Barbara, California
March 11-13, Cleveland, Ohio
37th Annual Scholars' Conference on the Holocaust
and the Churches
Case Western Reserve University - screening at 7:00 PM Saturday evening at
Cleveland Marriott Downtown at Key Center - Concierge Lounge (20th Floor)
The film was screened for conference attendees. Dr Miriam Klein
Kassenoff, spoke about the film during the conference.
March 19-20, Middleton, Wisconsin
2007 Wisconsin
Council for Social Studies and International Education Conference:
The Challenge of Citizenship & Literacy in a Global Society
Madison Marriott West, 1313 John Q. Hammons Drive
Renata Laxova (a Winton 'child') spoke on both days. She related her
experiences in Czechoslovakia and directed her talk
toward Social Studies educators, and curriculum development in international
& global development. A copy of the DVD of the film
The Power of Good
was given to each workshop participant. Speakers, including Dr Miriam
Klein Kassenoff, noted Holocaust Educator and Child Refugee of the
Holocaust from Slovakia, who discussed the film with the audience.
March 25, Ann Arbor, Michigan
University of
Michigan Hillel
In the Green Auditorium of the U of M Hillel at 1429 Hill Street at 3:00 PM.
The film was shown and George Korper spoke to the audience.
March 25, Ypsilanti, Michigan
Michigan University Hillel
The Auditorium in the Eastern Michigan University Student Center at 900 Oakwood
Street in Ypsilanti at 7:00 PM
George Korper discussed the film with the audience after it had been screened.
March 26, Ann Arbor, Michigan
The Neutral
310 East Washington Street at 6:30 PM
George Korper discussed the film with the audience after it had been screened.
April 1, New York City, New York
Facing History and Ourselves — NYC Office
The film was shown to some 30 educators who attended the workshop.
April 11, Coral Gables, Florida
Hillel at the
University of Miami
1100 Standford Drive
The noted Holocaust Educator and Child Refugee of the Holocaust from Slovakia,
Dr Miriam Klein Kassenoff, was the guest speaker at the film screening.
April 15, Cleveland, Ohio
Laura & Alvin Siegal College of Judaic Studies
The film was shown and some guests spoke.
April 15, Sherman, Connecticut
Jewish Community Center - Yom Hashoah Commemoration
#9 Route 39 (just south of town center) at 11:00 AM
The film was shown and a Winton 'child' attended.
April 18, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Associated Hebrew Schools of Toronto
Danilack Middle School - 252 Finch Avenue West, Toronto - 9:25 AM Film -
11:30 AM Guest Speaker
The film was shown during the Holocaust Convention to all Middle School
students and Associated Hebrew Schools of Toronto. Joe Schlesinger,
former BBC correspondent and Winton 'child' attended. (Mr. Schlesinger
is also the film's narrator.)
April 18, Madison, New Jersey
Drew University — Center for
Holocaust/Genocide Study
10:00 am — Baldwin Gymnasium
Hanna Slome and Ben Abeles (Winton 'children') were the guest speakers.
The screening was open to the public. Between 400 and 600 students from
8—12 schools saw the film.
April 18, Champaign, Illinois
University of Illinois / The Urbana-Champaign Jewish Federation
George Huff Hall, 1206 South Fourth Street
Dr Miriam Klein Kassenoff, noted Holocaust Educator and Child Refugee
of the Holocaust from Slovakia, spoke at the film screening.
April 20, East Lansing, Michigan
Michigan State University — Jewish Studies
The film was shown for the Michigan Teachers' Workshop on
Holocaust Education.
April 22, Bayside, New York
Queensborough Community College — The Harriet &
Kenneth Kupferberg Holocaust Resource Center and Archives
Library Building, Lower Level, Room 14, 222-05 56th Avenue, Bayside
The screening, sponsored by the university's Holocaust Resource
Center & Archives was open to the public. Dr Miriam Klein Kassenoff,
noted Holocaust Educator and Child Refugee of the Holocaust from Slovakia,
spoke to the audience.
April 23, Elgin, Illinois
Lake Michigan Association of Independent Schools
and Non-Public Schools in Illinois (LMAIS)
Elgin Academy, 350 Park Street - 9:00 AM to Noon
The film - Power of Good - was shown. Andrew Pass discussed the
film with the students after the screening.
April 24, Calgary, Alberta
Reel Fun
Film Festival
Theater 2, Eau Claire Market Theatres, 200 Barclay Parade SW at 1:00 PM
The Power of Good was screened as part of the film festival.
April 25-27, Somerville, New Jersey
Outreach Raritan Valley Community College —
Learning Through Experience 3-Day Workshops
The screening was for students and faculty (about 1000 each day), and
was also open to the public. Hanna Slome (a Winton 'child') was
the guest speaker each morning.
April 25, Ventura County, California
Ventura County Jewish Film Festival - Yom Hashoah
The film - The Power of Good - was shown.
April 25, Indianapolis, Indiana
Teaching the Holocaust in Indiana Classrooms
Bureau of Jewish Education, Indianapolis
Barbara Appelbaum, of the Center for Holocaust Awareness and Inquiry in
Rochester, New York, gave a workshop to educators on how to use the film
The Power of Good in their classrooms. Each educator was
given a copy of the DVD and the study guide.
April 26, Calgary, Alberta
Reel Fun
Film Festival
Theater 2, Eau Claire Market Theatres, 200 Barclay Parade SW at 10:00 AM
The Power of Good was screened as part of the film festival.
April 27, New York City, New York
Rescue Teacher Workshop — Facing History and Ourselves
Cathedral of St. John the Divine, West 110th Street
A teachers' workshop at which a copy of the film was given to all
attendees who are teachers.
May 3, Saint Peterburg, Florida
May 6, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
June 6, Coral Gables, Florida
University of Miami—The School of Education
and The Sue and Leonard Miller Center for Contemporary Judaic Studies
Alissa Stein for
more information.
Dr Miriam Klein Kassenoff conducted a workshop for about 40 teachers,
each of whom received a DVD of the film and a study guide.
June 11-13, Chicago, Illinois
Anti-Defamation League's Bearing Witness Program
Workshop for about 25 teachers who will be using the film as a
teaching tool.
June 15, St. Petersburg, Florida
Florida Holocaust Museum
55 5th Street South - Third Floor. Call (727) 820-0100 x274 or x241 for details.
Dr Miriam Klein Kassenoff conducted a workshop for about 75 teachers,
each of whom received a DVD of the film and a study guide.
June 17-22, Decatur, Georgia
June 18-19, Miami, Florida
Anti-Defamation League's Bearing Witness Program
Workshop for about 25 teachers who will be using the film as a
teaching tool
June 26, Boone, North Carolina
June 26-28, San Diego, California
Anti-Defamation League's Bearing Witness Program
Workshop for about 25 teachers who will be using the film as a
teaching tool
July 9-19, Israel
Anti-Defamation League's Bearing Witness Program
Workshop for about 25 teachers who will be using the film as a
teaching tool
July 12, Flagstaff, Arizona
Introduction to Teaching the Holocaust
Martin Springer Institute at Northern Arizona University
All-day workshop for 50 teachers on how to use POG as teaching tool.
Marilyn Lubarsky, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Regional
Representative and High School Teacher moderated.
July 15-20, Boston, Massachusetts
Facing History & Ourselves/Bearing Witness Workshop
Workshop on the Holocaust for 30 educators. Each attendee received a POG DVD.
July 23-25, Atlanta, Georgia
Anti-Defamation League's Bearing Witness Program
Workshop for 50 teachers who will be using the film as a teaching tool.
Each attendee received a DVD.
July 25, Urbana, Illinois
USHMM Teacher Workshop
Workshop on the Holocaust for about 70 teachers. Each attendee received a POG DVD.
July 30-August 2, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Anti-Defamation League's Bearing Witness Program
Workshop for about 25 teachers who will be using the film as a
teaching tool.
July 30-August 3, Union, New Jersey
Facing History & Ourselves/Bearing Witness Workshop
Kean University
Workshop on the Holocaust for about 30 teachers. Each attendee received a POG DVD.
August 5-9, Washington, DC
Anti-Defamation League's Bearing Witness Program
Workshop for about 25 teachers who will be using the film as a
teaching tool
August 5-9, Saint Louis, Missouri
August 6, Saint Louis, Missouri
CAJE 32 - Conference on Alternatives in Jewish
Washington University
Earth & Planetary Sciences Building 203 — 8:45 AM - 11:30 AM
Dr. Miriam Klein Kassenoff, noted Holocaust Educator and Child Refugee
of the Holocaust, presented "The Power of Good: exploring the Holocaust
through film." The film was shown to approximately 50 attendees.
August 6, Mason Lake, Michigan
August 7, Saint Louis, Missouri
CAJE 32 - Conference on Alternatives in Jewish Education
Washington University
Eliot Hall 213 — 8:45 AM - 11:30 AM
Dr. Kassenoff conducted a workshop on "How To Teach The Holocaust -
What Works and What Doesn't." Among other things, she discussed
using the film as a resource.
August 13-15, New York, New York
Facing History & Ourselves/Bearing Witness Workshop
Workshop on the Holocaust for 23 educators. Each attendee received a POG DVD.
August 29, Newaygo County, Michigan
September 18, New York City, New York
Sharon Hadassah Group
Hadassah National Headquarters — 1:15 PM
50 West 58th Street (between 5th & 6th Avenues) - 2nd Floor
The film was shown and Hanna Slome, a Winton child, spoke
about her experiences.
October 10, Providence, Rhode Island
Jewish Federation of Rhode Island - March of the Living
— High School (Informal) Education Program
Harry Elkin Midrasha Community High School, 130 Sessions Street.
Email or phone
Claire Roche at (401) 331-0956 x185, for more details.
The film was shown.
October 14, Providence, Rhode Island
Jewish Federation of Rhode Island - March of the Living
— High School (Informal) Education Program
Harry Elkin Midrasha Community High School, 130 Sessions Street
Email or phone
Claire Roche at (401) 331-0956 x185, for more details.
The film was shown.
October 23, Asheville, North Carolina
The Center for
Diversity Education
Biltmore Square Mall, 800 Brevard Road.
Email or phone
Deborah Miles at (828) 232-5024, for more details.
The film was screened and Sue Van Dyne, a Winton child, spoke
about her experience. A copy of the DVD was provided to those educators who attended.
Fall 2007, Time and place to be determined
Caldwell Community College & Technical Institute
Email or phone
Holly Korta at (828) 726-2335, for more details.
The film was screened for about 25 participants and Sue Van Dyne,
a Winton child, spoke about her experience.
November 6, South Lyon, Michigan
November 7-9, Los Angeles, California
Anti-Defamation League's Bearing Witness Program
Workshop for about 25 teachers who will be using the film as a
teaching tool
November 8-10, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Middle Tennessee State University Holocaust
Studies Conference
MTSU-275 Peck Hall
Approximately 160 educators, teachers and scholars attended. Each
partcipant received a copy of the film DVD.
November 9, Keene, New Hampshire
Holocaust Education Workshop - registration required
Cohen Center for Holocaust
Studies—Keene State College
Mason Library - 229 Main Street 9:00 AM—3:30 PM (with 60 min.
to 90 min. lunch break).
Workshop with guest moderator Dr Miriam Klein Kassenoff, noted Holocaust
Educator and child refugee of the holocaust from Slovakia. Teachers
received a DVD of the film and a study guide.
December 3 or December 10, Cedarhurst, New York
JCC of the Greater Five Towns
207 Grove Avenue
The film was screened.
Events of 2008
Throughout 2008, Trenton, New Jersey
New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education
On-going Educator Workshops
New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education, P.O. Box 500, Trenton NJ 08625
Dr. Paul B. Winkler -
Executive Director (609) 292-9274
Educator workshops during 2008. About 600 educators will attend these
workshops. All educators who attend the workshops will receive a
DVD of the film and a study guide.
Throughout 2008
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM)
On-going Educator Workshops in the U.S.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW,
Washington, DC 20024-2126. (202) 488-0400
Educator workshops all over the United States. 400 workshops with
approximately 20 educators at each.
Throughout 2008
The Southern Institute for Education and Research
Reequip all teachers' classes in a 7-state area devastated by hurricanes.
The Southern Institute for Education and Research, MR Box 1692,
31 McAlister Drive, New Orleans, LA 70118. (504) 865-6100
Provide library curriculum material to 2,800 libraries and 2000 local
educators who teach about the holocaust.
Throughout 2008
Michigan Council of Social Studies (MCSS)
On-going Educator Workshops in Michigan
20 Educator workshops in cooperation with UM-Dearborn/Holocaust
Department. Approximately 30 educators will attend each workshop.
January 13, Tucson, Arizona
January 22, Miami, Florida
Miami Dade County Florida School Board - Social
Studies Department Chairpersons Educator Training
Miami Dade County Public Schools
The film was shown and the guest moderator Dr. Miriam Klein Kassenoff
discussed it with the participants. Each attending teacher
received a DVD of the film and a study guide.
January 24, Naples, Florida
Southwest Holocaust Museum
- Teacher Training for Public School Teachers
5:30 pm at 4760 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 7, Sandalwood Square, Naples FL 34103
EMail Amy Macera or call her at
(239)263-9600 for more details
The film was shown and the guest moderator Dr. Miriam Klein Kassenoff
discussed it with the participants. Each attending teacher
received a DVD of the film and a study guide.
January 25, Belvidere, Illinois
January 28, Rockville, Maryland
Sponsored by the Czech Embassy
Magen David Sephardic Congregation
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM 1215 Woodglen Drive, Rockville (301) 770-6818
JoAnn Cooper, Coordinator
Free and open to the public
Film showing with Alice Masters, a Winton 'child' present. Guest moderator
Dr. Miriam Klein Kassenoff.
January 29, Washington, District of Columbia
Sponsored by the Czech Embassy
Holocaust Outreach Initiative
12:00 PM (Noon) in the Mary Pickford Theater
3rd Floor James Mason Building
Library of Congress (101 Independence Avenue SE)
JoAnn Cooper, Coordinator
Free and open to the public
Film showing to more than 200 students and educators with Alice Masters, a
Winton 'child' present. Guest moderator Dr. Miriam Klein
Kassenoff. Educators received a DVD of the film and a study guide.
February 17 - 18, Dearborn, Michigan
Michigan Council for Social Studies (MCSS)
52nd Annual State Professional Learning Conference
Transformational Citizenship for a Global World
Contact Kelli Sweet for more details
Hyatt Regency, 600 Town Center Drive, Dearborn (313) 593-1234
The film was shown to 35-40 teachers. Each participant received a copy of the DVD.
The Michigan Council of Social Studies (MCSS) recognized
Charles and
Rita Gelman and the Gelman Eduational Foundation for their many contributions
in promoting the Emmy award-winning documentary
Nicholas Winton - The Power of Good.
They received the
Great Influence Award at the Conference in Dearborn.
March 9, San Antonio, Texas
Federation of San Antonio - Holocaust Memorial
7:00 PM - Holzman Auditorium C at the Campus
12500 NW Military Highway, San Antonio, TX 78231
Maxine Cohen - Director, Holocaust
Memorial San Antonio (210) 302-6807
Invitations were issued to the Jewish community, the general public
and school teachers. The moderator of the program was Miriam Klein
Kassenoff, noted holocaust educator and child refugee of the holocaust from Slovakia.
March 27, Springfield, Massachusetts
Pioneer Valley Jewish Film Festival
Springfield College, 263 Alden Street, Springfield MA 01109
Judi Wisch, Coordinator (413)586-7719
Eva Pollack, a Winton child, attended the screening of the film and
spoke about her experience.
March 28-30, Saint Louis, Missouri
Saint Louis Holocaust
Museum and Learning Center
Teacher Training
12 Millstone Campus Drive (on the Jewish Community Center campus),
Saint Louis MO 63146
Dan Reich - Education Director (314) 442-3714
Workshop with guest moderator Dr. Miriam Klein Kassenoff, noted
holocaust educator and child refugee of the holocaust from Slovakia -
teachers received a DVD of the film and a study guide.
March 31-April 1, Madison, Wisconsin
April 4, Toronto, Canada
UJA Federation - Contest Deadline
Annual Arts and Writing Contest
4600 Bathurst Street, Toronto ONT M2R 3V2
Jennifer Ritter - Director (416) 635-2883 x144
Each educator who entered students
received a DVD of the film and a study guide.
April 5, Dunlap, Tennessee
County High School Educator Workshop
Sequatchie County High School, Highway 127, Dunlap, TN 37327
Henry Camp - Coordinator
The film was shown at an educator workshop. Each of the approximately
70 attendees received a DVD of the film and a study guide.
April 6, El Paso, Texas
Paso Holocaust Museum and Study Center
Educator Workshop
Time to be determined. 715 North Oregon Street, El Paso TX 79902
Leslie Novick - Executive Director (915) 351-0048
An educator workshop with a 'Winton child' as a guest speaker was held. All attendees
received a DVD of the film and a study guide.
April 6, New Haven, Connecticut
Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute
New Haven, Connecticut
Claire Roche - Director of Operations /
Co-Director - Bureau of Jewish Education of Rhode Island (401) 331-0956 x185
The film was shown, and Hanna Slome, a 'Winton child,' related
her experiences. Teachers received a DVD of the film and a study guide.
April 10, South Orange, New Jersey
Seton Hall University's Annual Conference of Educators
Czechs and Jews under Nazi Occupation
400 South Orange Avenue, South Orange NJ 07079
Rev Lawrence Frizzell, Chairperson -
Department of Jewish-Christian Studies (973) 761-9000
The film was shown, and Hanna Slome, a 'Winton child,' related
her experiences. Teachers received a DVD of the film and a study guide.
April 11-12, Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota
Inver Hills Community College
Power of Medicine: The Power to Heal and the Power to Harm
2500 80th Street East, Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota 55076
Vicky Knickerbocker, Instructor (651) 450-8500
Teacher Training. Every teacher who participated received a DVD of
the film and a study guide.
April 15, Boston, Massachsetts
Facing History and Ourselves
New England Facing History Benefit Dinner
Westin Copley Place, 10 Huntington Avenue, Boston MA (617) 262-9600
Shira Deener - Program Associate,
Jewish Education Program (617) 735-1608
Nicholas Winton and the film were highlighted. All educators (about 200) who attend will
received a DVD of the film and a study guide.
June 22-24, Washington, DC
September 17, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Moravian College
Prosser Auditorium 6:30 pm
West Locust Street
Email or phone
Sharon Brown at (610) 625-7847 for more details.
The film will be shown and the film's producer, Matej Mináč,
and two Winton children, Hanna Slome and George Korper, will be available
to discuss it with the audience.
October 19, Providence, Rhode Island
Temple Am David
40 Gardiner Street, Providence, RI 02908 at 10:00 am (401) 463-7944
Email or phone
Deb Johnson, Program Director at (401) 751-7441 for more details.
The film will be shown and one of the Winton children, Hanna Slome, will
be the guest speaker.
October 29, San Antonio, Texas
University of the Incarnate Word
Mabee Library Auditorium, 4301 Broadway Street, San Antonio, TX 78209
(210) 829-3835 at 06:00 pm
Dr. Sharon Herbers.
The film will be screened as part of the Peace Day activities.
November 9, Teaneck, New Jersey
The Jewish Center of Teaneck
70 Sterling Place, Teaneck, NJ 07666 at 10:00 am (201) 833-0515
Email or phone
Eva Gans, Coordibator at (610) 625-7847 for more details.
The film will be shown and Hanna Slome, a Winton child, will
be the guest speaker.
November 10, Morristown, New Jersey
College of Saint Elizabeth - "Teaching the Holocaust
and Genocide: Fighting Racism and Prejudice in a Multicultural Society"
Annunciation Center, 2 Convent Road, Morristown NJ 07960 at 8:15 am - 3:15 pm
Dr Harriet Sepinwall professor of
Education and co-director of the Holocaust Education Resource Center.
This all-day workshop will provide content about the
Holocaust and other genocides. Some 100 educators attending the workshop
will receive copies of the DVD of the film.
November 11, Morristown, New Jersey
College of Saint Elizabeth - Students meet and talk
with holocaust survivors
Dolan Performance Hall, Annunciation Center, 2 Convent Road,
Morristown NJ 07960 at 8:45 am - 11:45 am
Dr Harriet Sepinwall professor of
Education and co-director of the Holocaust Education Resource Center.
A workshop for teachers and students, where survivors of genocides
will be talking.
November 12, Houston, Texas
Events of 2009
January 22, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Goldring-Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life
ISJL-Jewish Cinema South, Brec Theatre, Independence Park,
7800 Independence Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 at 8:30 am and 11:30 am
Email Lynda Yule for more details.
There will be two special student screenings of the film and Maggie Furst
from The Kindertransport Association will be the guest speaker.